OpenWebBeans Release Checklist

Before performing the release you need to configure your environment if you haven't done it before.

  1. Publishing Maven Artifacts (
  2. Go to the section SETUP YOUR DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT and generate the pgp key signature. Don't forget to distribute the public key step.
    Generate PGP signature:


  1. JIRA Release Management

    • Make sure that all tickets for the release are properly marked as 'released' in our issue tracker.
    • Create ${} (if not already done)
    • Move unresolved issues from ${version} (e.g. 2.0.8) to ${} (e.g. 2.0.9)
  2. Update README

    • Export changelog from JIRA
    • add it to readme/README.txt
    • also update the version numbers in the preface
  3. Release via MVN

    • mvn clean install -Papache-release
    • mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
    • mvn release:prepare -Dresume=false
    • mvn release:perform

    if the release:perform fails on the last step (commit the new version in trunk) but the tag was successfully created, you can deploy the tag manually to nexus:

    • commit the version change in trunk
    • checkout the tag and execute: mvn clean install deploy -Papache-release
  4. Provide the staging repository

  5. Provide assembly

    • SVN
    • Commit following files inside the ${version} (2.0.8) directory:
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.tar.gz
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.tar.gz.asc
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.tar.gz.sha512 (must be generated manually)
      • (must be generated manually)


    • announce the VOTE with links to the staging repo In this case you MUST provide at least the sha1 of the!
  6. Send the VOTE mail

After successful vote

  1. Release from the staging repository

  2. JIRA Release Management

    • Select the version and release it
    • bulk-transition all resolved tickets of ${version} to 'closed'
  3. Upload assembly

  4. Apache Reporter Service

After the artifacts has been synced to central maven repo

  1. Create blog

  2. Update site

  3. Send release mail

  4. Twitter